{5 Minute Makeup}

If you ever have those days when you’re running late or even just running errands, but you still want to look put together then this is for you.

These are my tips for achieving an easy 5 minute makeup look to freshen you up before you rush out the door!

Tip #1 Foundation:

Since we are going for quick makeup, it’s going to look more natural. Sticking with a light to medium coverage foundation will look best. It will give you the coverage you need to make you skin look awake and refreshed without being caked on. To save time use your fingers to apply the foundation and blend it into the skin. If you use a more full coverage foundation you can always add a drop of your moisturizer in with it to make it lighter! 

Tip #2 Conceal:

Grab your favorite concealer and use your fingers to cover and blemishes, spots, and under eye circles.  Something I also do is apply concealer on my eyelids. I generally wont use an eyeshadow so this way the skin is even and brightened up, which makes you look more awake. At this point if you prefer to set with a powder this would be the time, however it’s not necessary unless you prefer it.

Tip #3 Blush/Bronzer:

I typically use a bronzer if I’m doing a quick makeup look, I will brush it along my cheek bones, temples, and jaw lines which will put a little color back into your face and it’s just another way to make you looked more awake! However there’s no rule that says you can’t sweep a little blush on your cheeks, it’s really just what mood you are in!

Tip #4 Eyeliner:

The type of liner you use is all up to you and what you feel looks best on you. Since this is typically a more natural look I prefer to take a dark brown eyeshadow with an angle brush and sweep it across my lash line for a softer look. You can skip liner all together if you prefer which Is what I do half of the time. 

Tip #5 Finishing Touches: 

You’re almost done!!!! All you have left is to apply some mascara and a lip balm or sheer gloss! And BAM!!!! You’re looking good and it took no time at all!